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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sitting in Chair is harmful?

Sitting on the floor cross legged is a traditional way. After the advent of the usage of chair things changed seriously. In the olden days to make someone sit on a Chair was considered to be paying respect and only the people of greater importance used chairs. Nowadays chairs are so widely used and everyone refuse to sit on the floor. Sitting on floor is considered to be outdated and the worst part is it is considered to be a Barbarian way. Even sometimes people from Cities consider themselves to be highly civilized and mock the people who sits on floor or who sit cross legged.

The truth is, it is DANGEROUS to sit on chair! Yes.. To some extent. Its ill effects can only be noted after a long term and so people generally don't realize this. See the picture below
 Blood flows the same rate to the legs even when legs not in use
When we sit there is no need of much blood flow to our legs because we don't use our legs when we sit. So when we sit on a chair our legs continue to get more blood and thus we waste our body minerals due to unnecessary deposition on our legs(which is not in use when we sit). Consider the people who used to sit long hours in office. They waste their blood flow to legs when the legs actually don't need much blood supply. If the same thing happens to a Diabetic patient then unnecessary sugar deposition takes place in their legs and in turn their legs get affected. We should cut that unnecessary blood flow to our legs when we sit.
Traditional Japanese table
Japanese sitting posture
The Japanese still follow this kind of sitting practice .We can see clearly that this sitting posture cuts normal blood flow to legs. So as a result the blood flow is limited and we save our minerals and health. The same happens when we sit like the below picture
Cross legged sitting posture
Even this is mentioned in Yoga and they call it as Sukhasana. Cross legged posture has greater benefits. It saves your health by cutting down unwanted blood flow and mineral deposition. Especially the people with diabetes should sit this way to save their legs. If not in office at least we can sit this way in our home. Lets slowly start practicing sitting cross legged on the floor in our home and make it our regular habit. Lets stay healthy!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Earth is HOLLOW Sphere?!

I came across an article which says our Earth is not solid sphere but rather it is HOLLOW inside!!
What is inside the Earth then? I will let you know...
I surfed on many stuff relating to Hollow Earth Theory and its postulations seem to be agreeable. Numerous evidences have been quoted to prove Earth is Hollow but unfortunately many people don't know about this argument. The reason why people don't know is because they say that our Governments don't want us too learn the TRUTH that Earth is hollow. Reasons?? May be because they don't want the people to migrate to the Inner side..


They say Earth is HOLLOW, inside Earth we can find another large mass of land and ocean just like the ones outside. We have 7 continents on the outer side of Earth namely- Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Antartica, Plus there are many continents on the inner side of the Earth. And there is a large Sun like glowing object which they call "Inner Sun" gives light to inside of Earth. There is No day or night. It is a complete Different Dimension. It is a land of Mythical Presence. It is completely protected form Hazards of space radiations. Also they say its completely safe place to live without any catastrophe Eg. Like the 2012 thing.. (May be escaping the 2012 catastrophe is to migrate to inner side of Earth! Lol!!).. And thats the reason people might want to migrate to inner side of the Earth!

Numerous researchers have went to inside of Earth and never returned. All their Notes about their Expedition were kept secret by the Governments. And YOU WONT BELIEVE A THING THAT Till now you can never get the pictures of North Pole!! Because there is a large hole there which is the entrance to the inside of earth! and they say that the Governments kept those North Pole Hole pics Secret.  Antartic ice covered up South pole entrance. So the Government bothered upon hiding only the North Pole pics! and Dont get fooled by the G***** Earth pics!!

You can read about the Hollow Earth Theory by clicking HERE
and to view a cool Blog which explains about Hollow Earth Theory click HERE

(I didnt propose this Theory, I just shared you all what i studied so far..)

Enigma Musical Project

Enigma is an electronic musical project founded in Germany by Michel Cretu, David Fairstein and Frank Peterson in 1990.
All their music are New Age centered and very ambient to listen.
Myself, started liking their songs after listening to their "Return to Innocence" and "Piano". Songs are very well structured and their album "Voyageur" is my favorite one.
If you want to start listening to New Age music then Enigma can be a great start!
You can watch "Return to innocence" video below...

You can read about them by clicking HERE
To see their complete Discography click HERE

Their albums are easily available everywhere to buy and if you wish to download them on internet again there are limitless sources to find their music.

Worth to give it a try!


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