Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Electric Bulb - The Darkest Invention of Mankind

Electric Bulbs created a revolution in our Modern History. The productivity of industries multiplied during the 19th century and electric bulbs were quickly installed across all nations and in a small period of time the whole world was illuminated. Started are the problems of man ever since then!

Nature has blessed us with Sun - the source of light and heat. At the same time it has limited the sun to be available for only certain hours of the day thus making the justification 'Too much of anything is good for nothing'. We humans tried to simulate the light and heat in the form of fire and fire was used to light up the world until the electric bulbs are invented. Now think of 2 scenarios:

No:1 -  Electric bulbs are not yet invented. So people used fire for light in the night. Difficult to maintain fire through the night and hence everyone slept soon after sun set. Everyone got proper sleep say from 8 pm to 4 am (8 hours). They got up before sunrise and started their work as soon as sun has risen. Their body activities are routine and normal.

No:2 - Electric bulbs are invented. People used electric bulbs to light up the nights. Electric bulbs stayed for hours and anytime can be switched on as long as there is power. People started to stay awake till late night and even throughout night. Naturally their sleep cycle was disturbed. Also the sleep cycle of animals and birds are affected. 

Result of Scenario 2: Devastated sleep cycle of both Humans and animals -> Decrease in the overall effectiveness of human and animal bodies -> Diseases and sickness started affecting us all -> Most of all:  The Pineal Gland which works only during our sleep in darkness stops secretion thus leading to severe damage in the Subtle health of Humans and spiritual development got hindered thus loosing Humanity!

"Electric Bulb - That's one bright invention of a man, darkest invention of mankind!"

Think of it!

Further Reading: CLICK HERE


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