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Friday, November 2, 2012

Environmental effects on 'Water' and Human body.

About 60% of human body consists of Water. 70% of brain and nearly 90% of lungs are formed by water.
Water - Our Lifeline...
So much importance is given to water everywhere. Water is a precious resource.
But how many of us know what elements can affect water?
Say, the moon. What effect can moon have on water?

One of the classic example everyone can give is 'Tides'. Whenever you see moon over your head the sea level increases. The moon's gravity has some visible effect on the sea, which means, it has some effect on water. Can you see the water level in your cup rising during high tide?
Well, may be not as it is very little to notice but it does certainly have some effect.

Ever heard the word 'Lunatic'?
Lunatic = An insane person.
Luna = moon in Latin.
It is said that the moon's phases affect humans and sometime they go insane! Perhaps the Moon affect the Water content in our body thus making people go crazy. Also remember that 70% of brain is water!
(I get reminded of the Werewolf whose transformation is triggered by full Moon)

Moon has Gravitational pull and so does every planet in the solar system. So this implies every planet has some effect on water (at least a meager amount), which means every planet (including sun) has some effect on the human body too!

What other things do affect water???

Vibrations.... or The Sounds.
Believe me, the sounds do affect water. Dr.Masaru Emoto from Japan conducted experiments on water and its crystallization properties.
He exposed a sample of water to kind words like 'Love' and 'Thank You' and crystallized them. They formed into the shape below:
'Love' and 'Thank you'  is spoken to water.
And harsh words like "You are really nauseating and disgusting. I’ll kill you!" are spoken to water and then they are crystallized. They formed as below:
"You are really nauseating and disgusting. I’ll kill you!" is spoken to water.
Hmm. Not very pleasant shape is it?
Dr. Emoto talked to water in Japanese. But what happens if different languages are spoken to water?
The word 'Wisdom' is talked to water in Japanese, English and German. They formed as below:
Pretty similar isn't it?

Based on these we can conclude that the spoken words have effect on animals too as the body is comprised of water.
So keep in mind that if you talk nice to someone they will feel good. If you talk bad then it will have adverse effect on the body.

Now, for all the music lovers out there. Here is an experiment with music's effect on water crystallization.
Beethovan's 'Pastoral' is played to water and they crystallized into:
Beethovan's 'Pastoral'
'Kawachi Folk Dance' music (a Japanese folk dance) is played to water and it crystallized into:
'Kawachi Folk Dance'
Heavy Metal music is played to water and it crystallized into:
Heavy Metal Music
Oops! May be a bad news for the Metal fans- The crystallization is not proper!
While ambient music formed beautiful crystals the noisy and distorted music formed irregular shaped crystals. So a friendly advise from me - next time be careful in picking which music to listen!

Those who deal with babies and children be careful while speaking to them. If you shout at children then it will definitely have some bad effect on them as they have more water content in body than adults do.

I doubt this list will end here. More to discover in the future to fully reveal about water and human body.
Until then bye bye and take care!
'Thank You' spoken to water.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Electric Bulb - The Darkest Invention of Mankind

Electric Bulbs created a revolution in our Modern History. The productivity of industries multiplied during the 19th century and electric bulbs were quickly installed across all nations and in a small period of time the whole world was illuminated. Started are the problems of man ever since then!

Nature has blessed us with Sun - the source of light and heat. At the same time it has limited the sun to be available for only certain hours of the day thus making the justification 'Too much of anything is good for nothing'. We humans tried to simulate the light and heat in the form of fire and fire was used to light up the world until the electric bulbs are invented. Now think of 2 scenarios:

No:1 -  Electric bulbs are not yet invented. So people used fire for light in the night. Difficult to maintain fire through the night and hence everyone slept soon after sun set. Everyone got proper sleep say from 8 pm to 4 am (8 hours). They got up before sunrise and started their work as soon as sun has risen. Their body activities are routine and normal.

No:2 - Electric bulbs are invented. People used electric bulbs to light up the nights. Electric bulbs stayed for hours and anytime can be switched on as long as there is power. People started to stay awake till late night and even throughout night. Naturally their sleep cycle was disturbed. Also the sleep cycle of animals and birds are affected. 

Result of Scenario 2: Devastated sleep cycle of both Humans and animals -> Decrease in the overall effectiveness of human and animal bodies -> Diseases and sickness started affecting us all -> Most of all:  The Pineal Gland which works only during our sleep in darkness stops secretion thus leading to severe damage in the Subtle health of Humans and spiritual development got hindered thus loosing Humanity!

"Electric Bulb - That's one bright invention of a man, darkest invention of mankind!"

Think of it!

Further Reading: CLICK HERE

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Idol Worship is Symbolism!

Idol worship is common in Hindu religion. We can see varied Pantheon each God having a myth behind. Many arose the questions "How a stone idol supposed to grant you wishes?", "We believe God is omnipotent then why we worship God as Idols and not as other forms?"  Etc Etc ... 'n' Number of questions.. Many disapprove Idol Worship too!

First of all I would like to say that Idol worship has a great advantage and significant importance in passing on the spiritual information down many years through generation after generation. Idols deal with Symbolism.  I will list out the importance of idol worship as far as i know...

1. It is easier to memorize a picture rather than memorizing a large paragraph of 50 lines. So our ancestors designed God's form as Statues to make easier to learn the form of Gods.

2. Looking closer to Idols we can note each idol has specific standing/sitting pose, finger positions, ornaments, colors, direction, size, shape, etc...  Each part has a separate meaning behind it. For example: Considering the statue of Lord Shiva, he sits in Padmasana with chin mudra (actual meditative pose), His blue neck indicating Vishudhi Chakra (Throat Chatkra-blue color), Eye on forehead meaning the Third-Eye (Pineal Gland), etc.. Likewise each Idol represent each important parts in Human Body, in fact the idols remind us of Human body more than reminding God!

3. The ancient Puranas described Gods in Sanskrit verses, but how many us know Sanskrit language? But to understand the idols we need not know any language! Idols can be exposed to all people of all language and culture and the message expressed is always the same.

4. If the information are passed through books and ears then certainly at one point the information transmitted could bear errors and thus leading to misinterpretation. But the Idols can last long for many thousand years, even more than ancient palm leaf books, thus the information is never altered from its original form and we are able to extract the information again exactly as it was designed to deliver.

5. Idols can be created by incorporating Sacred Geometry in 3 dimensions and so Idols could have the property of influencing its environment in positive way.

There are lots of reasons, far than a normal man can comprehend. As of now, if we cant see the Idols as Gods then lets see Idols as Interpretation of Human Body . Idol Worship is more a Symbolism!

Friday, December 16, 2011


Amethystium is a music project created by Norwegian composer and producer Øystein Ramfjord, often featuring guest performers. Characterized by an atmospheric fusion of electronic and organic sounds, the music traverses a span of moods that includes both darkness and light, bliss and melancholy. It ranges from the purely relaxing to the subtly intense, invoking dreamlike and evocative musical journeys.

Personally i find this to be one of the Best Relaxing music i have ever listened to! All their 4 albums are worth collecting and their 5th album is on the way. Those who want relaxing music for soothing your tension and stress this is exclusively for you. These music can also be used for meditation!

Official Website:  CLICK HERE

Wikipedia Page:  CLICK HERE

Monday, November 14, 2011

Aliens are Gods?

Aliens are the famous mysteries prevailing on our planet. There are equally numerous claims of UFO(Unidentified Flying Objects) and Flying Saucers sitings which are presumably the SpaceShips of Aliens. Most of these reports are in news only after the World War 2. What about before the World War, or 19th century.. Anyone saw the UFOs? Or what about thousands of years ago? Aliens visited our planet during our Ancient Times???

"Chariots of the Gods?" is a famous book by  Erich von Däniken explains clearly how the Flying Saucers were viewed by our ancient peoples. According to it, Aliens came to Earth in our Ancient times and they taught many things to our ancestors like the technology, about universe, etc. They gave knowledge to our ancestors and then they flew back in their spaceships. (May be this explains how our ancestors built extremely large buildings like Pyramids and built rust-proof iron Pillars in past using the Alien Technologies). Thus our Ancestors considered the Aliens as Gods and they began to Worship the Aliens, thus the ideology that Gods live in the Skies came to our ancestors. They prayed the Aliens to return back and give more and more knowledge to them. The author even claimed that the aliens taught the human beings the rocket technology...
Wow! Then the aliens are the so-called GODS! and we worship the Aliens!! 

I didnt say that! that author did.. But anyway it makes sense to me. Maybe we mean Aliens when we speak of God!

Did the aliens wear astronaut suits when they visited Earth?
Here is a Wikipedia link which says about the Astronauts in Ancient Times.. Click HERE

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is Sugar Toxic?

Hello everyone! Think of a Sweet material...
For most of us the image of Sugar will flash across our mind when we think of "Sweet". Of course all sweet stuff like candies, Chocolates, etc are prepared using Sugar. But how many of us know this Sweet substance can also be poisonous?

Sugar, on itself is not poisonous, but the things which are added to sugar during the modern refinement process makes them harmful. Sugar are made white by adding certain chemicals which are potentially carcinogenic.

Here is a shocking fact for all those who thinks they are vegetarians. Few sugar factories use Powdered Bones to mix along with sugar to make it Whiter and Brighter. Yes! the bones of human and animals are collected, crushed, powdered and used for this process!

Here is a link which will list you the negative effects of Sugar, published by Dr.Nancy Appleton based on her studies. She provides an amazing 146 Reasons why Sugar harms you! Click HERE !

How can we then replace Sugar? No candies!! No sweets!! Just forget about the word "Sweet" if you want to live healthy!!!!    Haha.. Just kidding, there comes for our rescue The Jaggery!  By using Jaggery in proper recipe you can make sweet foods and at the same time Jaggery proves to be healthy for everyone without any side effects. Why use Sugar at the cost of our health?  Go Jaggery!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sitting in Chair is harmful?

Sitting on the floor cross legged is a traditional way. After the advent of the usage of chair things changed seriously. In the olden days to make someone sit on a Chair was considered to be paying respect and only the people of greater importance used chairs. Nowadays chairs are so widely used and everyone refuse to sit on the floor. Sitting on floor is considered to be outdated and the worst part is it is considered to be a Barbarian way. Even sometimes people from Cities consider themselves to be highly civilized and mock the people who sits on floor or who sit cross legged.

The truth is, it is DANGEROUS to sit on chair! Yes.. To some extent. Its ill effects can only be noted after a long term and so people generally don't realize this. See the picture below
 Blood flows the same rate to the legs even when legs not in use
When we sit there is no need of much blood flow to our legs because we don't use our legs when we sit. So when we sit on a chair our legs continue to get more blood and thus we waste our body minerals due to unnecessary deposition on our legs(which is not in use when we sit). Consider the people who used to sit long hours in office. They waste their blood flow to legs when the legs actually don't need much blood supply. If the same thing happens to a Diabetic patient then unnecessary sugar deposition takes place in their legs and in turn their legs get affected. We should cut that unnecessary blood flow to our legs when we sit.
Traditional Japanese table
Japanese sitting posture
The Japanese still follow this kind of sitting practice .We can see clearly that this sitting posture cuts normal blood flow to legs. So as a result the blood flow is limited and we save our minerals and health. The same happens when we sit like the below picture
Cross legged sitting posture
Even this is mentioned in Yoga and they call it as Sukhasana. Cross legged posture has greater benefits. It saves your health by cutting down unwanted blood flow and mineral deposition. Especially the people with diabetes should sit this way to save their legs. If not in office at least we can sit this way in our home. Lets slowly start practicing sitting cross legged on the floor in our home and make it our regular habit. Lets stay healthy!



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