Monday, November 14, 2011

Aliens are Gods?

Aliens are the famous mysteries prevailing on our planet. There are equally numerous claims of UFO(Unidentified Flying Objects) and Flying Saucers sitings which are presumably the SpaceShips of Aliens. Most of these reports are in news only after the World War 2. What about before the World War, or 19th century.. Anyone saw the UFOs? Or what about thousands of years ago? Aliens visited our planet during our Ancient Times???

"Chariots of the Gods?" is a famous book by  Erich von Däniken explains clearly how the Flying Saucers were viewed by our ancient peoples. According to it, Aliens came to Earth in our Ancient times and they taught many things to our ancestors like the technology, about universe, etc. They gave knowledge to our ancestors and then they flew back in their spaceships. (May be this explains how our ancestors built extremely large buildings like Pyramids and built rust-proof iron Pillars in past using the Alien Technologies). Thus our Ancestors considered the Aliens as Gods and they began to Worship the Aliens, thus the ideology that Gods live in the Skies came to our ancestors. They prayed the Aliens to return back and give more and more knowledge to them. The author even claimed that the aliens taught the human beings the rocket technology...
Wow! Then the aliens are the so-called GODS! and we worship the Aliens!! 

I didnt say that! that author did.. But anyway it makes sense to me. Maybe we mean Aliens when we speak of God!

Did the aliens wear astronaut suits when they visited Earth?
Here is a Wikipedia link which says about the Astronauts in Ancient Times.. Click HERE


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